Sunday, 24 June 2012

This blog is only about food.

Seeing how my fridge only seems to contain milk, eggs and a dozen containers of water I do tend to get hungry eventually – the five cans of tuna in my cupboard just ain’t gonna cut it – so I decided to try Kraze Burger by my building which promises authentic American dining. I’ll have to disagree, I mean where’s the mayonnaise? The salt? The super-size option?

Analysis: not bad but I’m not going back if I can.  

As you can see my club sandwich is quite nicely packaged. Lots of salad, nice big chunk of tomato and well cooked chicken – pity I hate lettuce in my sandwiches and I refuse to eat tomato unprocessed.

Yes, yes perfectly good food is wasted on me, I know.  Well after a daily diet of rice, kimchi and things I can only guess at I wanted something relatively plain. God, I could murder a potato waffle.

I will say this though, the wholemeal seed bread bun they used - it was the only decent bit of bread I’ve had since I got here.

Hey, at least I got a free drink for ordering out.

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