Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Cake Bread

Okay, so one thing I have quickly noticed is the proliferation of eateries that outnumber everything else but what I haven’t really made reference to is the enormous café culture in place here.

Seriously, coffee is the thing and not just the ‘Black Adam’ variety to wake you up. All those fancy kinds are about too. (Sean, I have not yet seen the in/famous bubble tea) the frothy caramel kinds that you wonder if anyone actually drinks.

The tea I’ve had so far has actually been fairly disappointing. Very, very weak watery stuff. I’m led to understand that decent tea is quite pricey but if I let my tea stew brew for long enough it’s fine. The first night Bora supplied me with a few necessities and inheritances from previous residences (But that is for another day) although we were heading to a market. She got me a kettle and told me it would be slightly harder to get regular tea (i.e. the old earl grey.) Fortunately it was revealed with a flourish of my cape that I am a green tea fan. Yays….I’m still going to drink the other kind though. 

And of course, chilled. Everything comes chilled- even noodles but enough about horrible caffeinated beverages this is about cake!!

Ours is better –that is all.

Alright, alright. All the cakes, brownies etc.  I’ve seen come wrapped in a piece of plastic you have to peel off before eating. Not very appetising to be sure.

I’ve tried cream cheese muffins and they’re not too bad but I shudder at the thought of the ingredients. (Is it cream? Is it cheese? Is it simply raw, saturated fat? Don’tthinkofthecaloriesdon’tthinkofthecaloriesdon’tthinkofthecalories)

Along with all of the coffee (and noodle) places I’ve seen quite a few European style bakeries doing cakes and the like. (Choux puff pastry but no éclairs funnily enough) No, I didn’t buy any bread.  Bread is, funnily enough, aligned with desserts.

Witness exhibit A…..*ahem* slightly damaged.

It may look like cake, be decorated with chocolate, have been delivered with a full coffee cup of whipped cream and a fork to eat all with but this is toasty bread.


It’s also very filling. I only ate a few pieces slathered in whipped cream.

It’s not too bad to be honest but I’d prefer proper bread toasted or some delicious cake not their bizarre lovechild. It’s like something drunken magical happened between a baker and a pasterissie somewhere between the toaster and a bottle of chocolate sauce.

So, it’s like an iced log taken to the extreme.  Needless to say, aficionados of that particular foodstuff would love it.

Me? Two full bags were delivered to the staff room by the parents association. We all got one. A free meal is a free meal and a free dessert is (I’m pretty sure) some sort of religious sign. It wouldn’t do to anger some vengeful gods of sugar.

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