Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Central Command - Interiors

If I ever need rescuing from the vicious and violent currents of the sixteenth floor then I’ll lean out the window and holler at the coast guard. I don’t know if they’d understand but I think S.O.S is universal. Failing that, I’ll scream like a ninny. That’s sure to work.

I'm fortunate enough to have two windows (unlike some of my co workers) but one has a net and the other only opens by unnecessary electronics. I think the idea is to prevent people from falling to their untimely deaths. If so, they fail because If I could fir out that window so could the average Korean citizen. 
As you see I have no blind. So anyone on the  16th floor of a neighbouring building could see right in! *le gasp*. Seriously though, sans the potential existence of a highpowered scope I think I'm safe enough. I still want a blind though. The sun wakes me about six daily.

That table is a collapsible one that someone left behind. I use it to do some work on, as you can see by yon mess. I don't know if the TV works only that it's there. I've fond a plethora of wirse and doodads that I have yet to go through. The sofa is quite comfortable though.

The bed is rock hard. It's fantastic ~ <3  Aside from the heat and the sun and the stuffy air at certain times of the night, I sleep really well. XD I tried to get a duvet cover but I'm not paying 50,000 Won for something I'll throw away or leave behind. That's a bit much for a friggin' duvet cover!!
 Also, another table. Always good.

Bathroom is tiny with a drain in the floor - figure it out. As you can see, everything behind those mirrors is storage.

One thing I've noticed is that all the taps are the lever kind that wave from hot to cold. Convenient and utterly ubiquitous.

Kitchen area. Regarding that little cluster on the wall. AC, Lightswitch, doorbell/phone system/letting people in thinguhmobob.

Don't deny you want one Sean. You can phone people and let them in.

Sink is massive. I have the hose extended simply to show you. It's handy for using. The ing with the water is, it's turned on by violently kicking the pedal at ankle level. I don't know why, presumably to reserve water.

So yeah, kitchen. Hob, cupboards, fridge (Goddamnit I know better than to show you the contents!!)
The basics really.

This however, is a little more interesting. From left to right: Food dehydrater, water purifier, bins. Apparantly all a necessity.

The necessity. Please not how it is tucked next to the bathcupboardroom. The machine is actually a half step down in the entrance area along with most of the cupboards.

Across from it, shoe cupboard. To the right shelving.

Aa promised, the walk in wardrobe. Chair is for effect. I can shut it in therewhen I close the door - other side of bathroom. Pretty good right?

And finally, for Sean the techies among you. Witness

The entrance:

  • slide up
  • punch code
  • slide down
  • wait for bells and whistles.

Thus for the curious. The interior of the apartment.

Where do I hang laundry? I string the washing line from the back of the door to the window- better than any dehumidifier. XD


  1. I guess rotating the photos would have been too much to ask.

    It looks well flash it does.

    1. Snark does not become you.

      I write these in a cafe remember. I don't have much time really.
