Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tasty Chicken Om nom noms

So, hitting up Gangnam on Sunday for some tasties. Long story short we were all like.
Stephanie and I split the plate you see in front of you. It was boneless chicken with noodles (Scissors kindly provided - they were chewy) with various vegetables and (extra-chewy) rice-cakes.

I am not ashamed to say that I bogarted the potatoes which I have not had in months. It was delicious and a previous assertation was re-established.
That being that you simply cannot eat out on your own in Korea. You'll never manage the portions. As it was I thre in the towel fairly early.

Aubrey as you see had some sort of sea-food dish with random crab, shrimp and sausage things (unusual fishcakes). It bubbled most credibly.

It was lovely anyway and clearly an excellent idea. I successfuly avoided shellfish and things with tentacles so I was happy at any rate. :D

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