Friday, 11 January 2013

Eviction, sort of.

For reasons which I shall sensibly not discuss here, we had to leave out staffroom for a new one.

Here is the old room looking quite desolate as the desks have been moved downstairs to our new room. Farewell, mildly draughty but roomy retreat.

Behold downstairs. (Karen, you look quite smug an comfortable there) Mine is the desk with the pink basket and red blanket on it.  Sure, it looks tidy and is a lot warmer but it is a great deal smaller.

The problem there is that there isn't room for everyone so a lot of the Korean teachers have been given desks in their homerooms. It's dreadfully unsociable and sometimes we hardly see some of the others. Boo.

On the bright side, it's a lot warmer which is pretty damn significant at this time of the year.

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