Friday, 6 July 2012

Pastry Dumplings

As I have mentioned before, Korea has embraced cafe culture (god bless them I always knew they were a good sort.) and while like anywhere else cakes and 'nicey-niceys' vary from place to place there is a pressing and urgent need for korean delicacies!!! [read: cake] 

Don't you dare accuse me of eating the whole damn box. That thing is about the size of a good sized box of cornflakes. Someone bought one for the staffroom (upon which a doezn people suddenly converged upon it.)

Roughly the size of a walnut - and with large chunks of walnut just within the cakey shell it is delicious.

Barely a mouthful fortunately but still plenty filling. I think I'll smuggle a box home next year. >:3


  1. So, is all you do over there eat cakes?

    1. Sadly no but I have signed a non-disclosure so I need to be careful about what I post on the internet lest I get sued for breach of contract.

      I work a long week, can't do something interesting everyday.
